The energy transition and efforts to tackle climate change and reduce energy dependency on Russia are all progressing at an increasing pace in both Finland and Europe. The swiftly changing operating environment and uncertainties faced by the energy sector also pose challenges for energy companies operating in urban environments, who have a vital national role in the development of the entire energy sector. The climate goals of Finland and the production and distribution of clean and secure energy are being shouldered primarily by the energy companies operating in urban environments.
Urban energy companies aware of their societal responsibility understand that a rapidly changing world requires flexibility and an increased capacity for engaging in social dialogue. To advance these goals, thirteen major urban energy companies founded Urban Energy Finland (Energiakaupungit ry) at the start of 2022 to act as an ambassador for these companies on the national and EU level.
The members of Urban Energy Finland are committed to the provision of modern, scalable, and sustainable energy solutions to suit consumer needs in developing cities.
Urban Energy Finland promotes open and transparent competition that provides consumers with the most cost-efficient and environmentally friendly energy solutions. Its primary objectives are improving the operating conditions of urban energy companies, promoting the heating and power grid business, and managing the shift in the operational environment caused by the energy transition.
The 13 member companies of Urban Energy Finland are: Alva-yhtiöt Oy, EPV Energia Oy, KSS Energia Oy, Kuopio Energy Ltd, Lahti Energia Oy, Lappeenrannan Energia Oy, Oulun Energia Oy, Pori Energia Oy, Seinäjoen Energia Oy, Tampereen Sähkölaitos Oy, Oy Turku Energia – Åbo Energi Ab, Vaasan Sähkö Oy ja Vantaan Energia Oy.
“My main duties include promoting both a predictable and stable investment environment and market-based competition.”
Aku Aarva
Executive Director
+358 41 432 6510
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Aku Aarva is a Master of Administrative Sciences (University of Tampere) and a Bachelor of Business Administration (JAMK University of Applied Sciences) who has been serving as Executive Director of Urban Energy ry since November 202. His main duty is to act as an advocate for urban energy companies in public discussion and debate. His duties involve representing the interests of Urban Energy, societal relationships, managing a matrix organisation, leading experts, and implementing strategy.
You can contact the Executive Director regarding any matters relating to Urban Energy Finland.